Bereavement Support
Ways to Give
As a registered charity SDB&LSS is dependent on donations from the public.
Please do give what you can so that we can help others in their hour of need.
Additional Help
SDB&LSS currently has vacancies for volunteers who have a little time and energy to help with various activities within the charity. Some examples are promoting the charity, sharing leaflets and helping at fundraising events.
If you are interested and have a couple of hours to spare each week, please contact our admin team on 07828 263554 to arrange a time to visit our office for an informal chat. Thank you.
As a Volunteer Counsellor
We have volunteer counsellors and trained active listeners who are from all walks of life and many of them have experienced bereavement or loss in their own lives so they will have some understanding of how you may be feeling. If you are a qualified counsellor, a student counsellor with your Fitness to Practice or someone who would like to train to be a Bereavement Support person/listener then get in touch with us. (see Recruitment and Training and Contact form below.)

Recruitment & Training
SDB&LSS have recently held a most successful and rewarding Person Centred Bereavement and Loss course, where models & theories of grief and active listening skills were explored.
If you would like to be considered for a place on the next training course, please download a Training Application Form, and send the completed form via email form to our office, details of which can be found on the ‘Reach Out/Contact’ page of this website.
Course Assessment:
Following submission of an application form, you will be invited to a pre-course interview. Course participants, will undergo further assessments, and requirements which include a minimum of 80% attendance, production of a course journal, demonstrating awareness, understanding and reflection on course content and a satisfactory audio recording of a bereavement support session. This will be explained in more detail during the recruitment process. The course concludes with a final interview. Course attendance does not guarantee appointment.
When decided, the date of the next course will be posted here.
Qualified Counsellors / Counselling & Psychotherapy Students:
Unfortunately, we are presently unable to accept university students for placement but please send your CV to and we will keep this on file for when the situation changes.
As a charity all of our work is dependent on your generosity. If you feel that you would like to become a 'Sponsor' and could offer regular contributions to the charity then of course we will love to hear from you.
Want to become a volunteer in the future? Contact us

Calendars & Cards
Natural Britain 2023...
A4 hanging and desk calendars available @ £10 each and premium quality occasion cards @ £2 each (range of designs).
The calendars and cards have kindly been produced to help the charity raise funds by the very talented photographer, Steve Clifford who is the husband of Julie who is one of our amazing volunteer counsellors.
Steve's photography has captured our Natural Britain beautifully!
Contact us on 07828 263554 to order or email for more details

Fund Raising
We are eternally grateful for anyone finding ways to Raise Funds for our Charity.
Alex's Half Marathon
Congratulations and a huge thank you to Alex Robinson who raised over £800 for his Stafford Half Marathon.​
Well done Alex and 'Thank You'.